Welcome to ForceRank!

ForceRank is a way for groups to compare their priorities.

Christen Coomer created this question because they want to know what you think about 'How would you rank the following opportunities for member exposure & access?'

Drag the options from the left box into the one on the right to put them in order.

Once you've done that, you'll be able to compare your responses to Christen Coomer's and you'll have the opportunity to add choices of your own.

How would you rank the following opportunities for member exposure & access?


    Short YouTube Videos by member
    Create a physical space to host events & resources
    Offer a tool library or listing of who has what
    Showcase Student & Emerging Artist work
    Offer an Emerging Artist Membership Tier
    Make tools more accessible with Swap Meets
    Create a welcoming committee with outreach to new members
    Offer a Residency program with a local school or studio
    Offer Scholarships in partnership with area and online schools
    Host more frequent Member Exhibitions


    Try dragging a choice here!

Vote on more to save your choices.