Welcome to ForceRank!

ForceRank is a way for groups to compare their priorities.

Christen Coomer created this question because they want to know what you think about 'How would you rank the following opportunities for member promotion & sales'

Drag the options from the left box into the one on the right to put them in order.

Once you've done that, you'll be able to compare your responses to Christen Coomer's and you'll have the opportunity to add choices of your own.

How would you rank the following opportunities for member promotion & sales


    Feature members’ work on Instagram
    Step into the role of Guild as promoter: Online Gallery, Member Spotlights, Anthology
    Create and connect members with opportunities for promotion with local press, national publications, etc.
    Host a series of pop-ups with members each month at Side Rail / Georgetown Art Walk
    Host an exhibition geared toward exposure and sales: akin to EARRINGS GALORE
    Create an online Gallery / Store for members to sell their work akin to ACC
    Host an in-person Holiday Market for members to sell their work


    Try dragging a choice here!

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