Welcome to ForceRank!

ForceRank is a way for groups to compare their priorities.

Christen Coomer created this question because they want to know what you think about 'How would you rank the following enrichment opportunities for members & the guild?'

Drag the options from the left box into the one on the right to put them in order.

Once you've done that, you'll be able to compare your responses to Christen Coomer's and you'll have the opportunity to add choices of your own.

How would you rank the following enrichment opportunities for members & the guild?


    Join the Ethical Metalsmiths Radical Jewelry Makeover program (SMG can join)
    Introduce members to industry resources, businesses, and orgs via communications and discount offers
    Partner toward mutual discounts to online events shared with other metals guilds
    Double down on the Art Jewelry world and connect members with it (by… hosting an invitational show?)
    Organize a conference of leaders from (craft) arts guilds around the State or PNW
    Organize a conference of leaders from (metal) arts guilds around the country (to share success stories and identify potential opportunities)
    Attend and exhibit work at a SNAG conference as a group


    Try dragging a choice here!

Vote on more to save your choices.