Welcome to ForceRank!

ForceRank is a way for groups to compare their priorities.

Christen Coomer created this question because they want to know what you think about 'How would you rank the following opportunities for organizational growth?'

Drag the options from the left box into the one on the right to put them in order.

Once you've done that, you'll be able to compare your responses to Christen Coomer's and you'll have the opportunity to add choices of your own.

How would you rank the following opportunities for organizational growth?


    Fundraise to facilitate additional programming (via Sponsorships, Events, etc.)
    Host more online events (workshops, lectures) to reach a wider audience beyond Seattle
    Recruit area students by engaging directly in classes... as featured guests…
    Revive Passing the Torch, a program for High School students and Guild mentors
    Become a 501(c)3 or gain financial representation under one
    Offer a recurring-donation membership tier or add-on with its own benefits (See AJF)
    Expand in-person programming (mixers, workshops, meetups) in other areas of WA
    Reach out to WJA, MJSA etc to collaborate
    Develop a compelling retail/corporate membership tier
    Work with 501commons.org to identify opportunities for revitalization and growth


    Try dragging a choice here!

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